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Обновление Update From Cinema 4d R11.012 To R11.021


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MAXON Releases Free Service Update for CINEMA 4D R11

Second Free Update Includes Over 100 Improvements

MAXON Computer is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the second free service update to CINEMA 4D (Release 11.021) since the initial delivery of Release 11 in September. This free update provides users with over 100 enhancements in the areas of rendering, animation and workflow. Most issues were addressed as a direct result of reports from customers through CINEMA 4D's advanced reporting system.

The free update is recommended for all users of CINEMA 4D R11 in any configuration as well as BodyPaint 3D R4 owners. The update is immediately available through CINEMA 4D R11's Online Updater directly within the application or can be downloaded here.


Corrected perfect spheres rendering in orthographic views.

Fixed DPI settings for Multi-Pass rendering.

Child render setting now inherits modified resolution from the parent setting.

Advanced Render

Several items addressed when utilizing Full Animation mode.

Various fixes to the Sky Sampler mode.

Improvements to Compositing Tag GI settings affecting child objects.

Minor CineMan shader errors solved.

False geometry interpretations in prepass corrected for more accurate reflections.


Solved possible issues when converting Animation Layers to Motion Clips.

Problem solved where a Motion Clip could disappear during blending

Pivot point could unintentionally move the object in the wrong direction


Various enhancements to screen refresh in the Timeline, viewport and IRR.

Conflicts with Japanese keyboard settings and shortcuts fixed (Mac only).

Inconsistencies with user data handling addressed.

Function added to remove texture in brush tip.


Improvements to Enhanced OpenGL interpretation of animated materials.

Corrected pause error when navigating using the 1, 2, or 3 keys (Mac only).

Improved display of Baked vertex maps from Ambient Occlusion.

Updates to Interactive Render Region.


MoGraph: Various cloner irregularities fixed.

Material Editor: Corrected display of layer sets in 16-bit .PSD files.

Modeling: Improved stability of Dissolve function.

NET Render: Added ability to store client preferences in program directory.

Improved 3D mouse handling.

Superior memory management for Online Updater.

Various Command Line arguments on Mac fixed

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Какие-то глюки с программой. Делаю Render View, потом щелкаю на нем мышкой, чтобы перейти в режим редактирования - программа виснет. Апдейты не помогли. Кто-нибудь сталкивался с такой проблемой? Причем этот глюк возникает не всегда, но достаточно часто.

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только хелп не обновляйте он вам сбросит серийник и заблокирует синему.

мне не удалось обновить хелп(он старый, все же 012), но то, что пишет кукловод еще проверить нужно


официалов не тронет... а вот то что они сделали с выходом 021(или 018) билда - это жопа!

Так что делайте резерв.копии. Мне кажется еще подляны будут... для "народной" версии

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усе поставил, все нориально - (в том числе обнова r11.021)

конкретно r11.012 версию и хелп к ней не качал(;)), не нужна была. Но обратил внимание в хелпе на MAXON License Server и кучу фиксов в хелпе

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