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Release Of V-ray For Sketchup


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Mado спасибо, будем пытаться. А я все м дневным, да с дневным. Это хорошо, что показал работу: свет.материал+источник освещения

А в на оф.сайте было тоже стекло от Дэвида К., даже есть в библиотеке мат-ов

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Ja i bral ot osnovnih materialov, tolko po mojemu tam galki na Affect shadows nebilo, i fog bil belij, kak znajem steklo ne beloje, ha, ha.

Dam ucebnik po V-ray/SKP, nekoj sekret cto info za darom.

Samomu ucitsa len, netu vremeni, da segodna zena atpustila na paru cesov, nevosj po golove dostanu.

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mado вы разобрались с несколькими диффузными каналами, напрример на оф.форуме видел под рино можно 2-3 рефракц.канала кидать.

Задавал этот вопрос, что-то не ответили.

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Ilya,chto za plugini?Mojno popodrobney.Neznakomie tool-i.

Внизу это PROJECTION_EXTENSION (в Program Files\gsu6\Tools\)



А RubyPanel Toolbar вверху - пример создания своего инструментария, а так вызов консоли


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Kstati mogu podelitsa vozmoznostju delatj multiplay render, tojestj renderitj bolsoje kolitchestvo kortinok bez vashevo prisutstvija. / etim podelilsja proizvoditelj poslje zaprosa.

Tak eto sdelatj:

You should be able to unzip this in the root Google SketchUp 6

directory( where Sketchup.exe is ) and it should extract everything to

the right spot. It will be overwriting our VRayForSketchUp.rb in the

Plugins folder and overwriting the VRayForSketchUp.so in the

Plugins/VRayForSketchUp folder. Let me know if you have any problems

using it

I also attached the scene I was using to test this out. You don't need

the duplicate last frame anymore with this updated build.


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It will be overwriting our VRayForSketchUp.rb in the

Plugins folder and overwriting the VRayForSketchUp.so in the

Plugins/VRayForSketchUp folder.

но их наверно на всяк случай за бэкапить(резерв.копию)



это у вас откуда(подправлено чтот-о)? отлично для создания анимашки


Вот быстрый примитив(16 картинок, без мат-ов):


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Просто смотрю на 30.05, а у меня на 11.05 - по этому удивляюсь, это форуме выкладывали?


Анимашку(дивиксом пожата) простую сделал...чуть позже покачественее, есть пара корридоров.

Все-таки вирей для интерьеров.

P.s. - еще как...часть моделей можно из синемы перекинуть. Если что mado будем у вас спрашивать, смотрю опыта по более.

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Да, анимашка это прикольно, т.е. интересно показывать клиенту...как переливается хром со стеклом на перилах лестницы, блюрится паркет и т.д. до слово от клиента "Вах!!!" и тыканием пальцем в монитор :))))....шучу-шучу.

Как я люблю вечерний настрой...да не настроил я ще должным образом :)). Пока не да нее(сценки), работы много...

тут вот прочитал(на оф.форуме про проблемы дисплейсмент карт) Джоель работает на новой версией...что революционное :). ведь скоро(в начале августа, примерно с 5 числа кажется) - Сиграф 2007. Там еще вирей для синемы 4д будет представлен.


Еще попробывал загружать иррадианс и лпйткэш мапы, сначала отрендеренные при низком разрешении но высокме-качеств.настройки рендера, затем при высоком разреш-ии с простыми настройками, но загружены те мапы-карты...над изображением нужно еще пофтошопить...а так 12 мин(при 8 мин. в низ.разрешения) - это хорошо


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  • 1 месяц спустя...
Скачал отсюда _http://www.suplugins.cn/vrayforsketchup/VRayForSketchUp6_1.z

ip (докачка) и странную особенность обнаружил:

Если заменить из Program Files\ASGvis\Render slave\ vray.dll (4,53 МБ) - от туда :)) скопировать в папку Program Files\gsu6\ vray.dll (5,43 МБ)

то актмвацию не попросит(пока на одной машине проверял)

Бэкап(резервную копию) Program Files\gsu6\ vray.dll (5,43 МБ) обязательно!!!!

Поразительно продуктивная и я бы сказал гениальная мысль

Действительно работает молча!!!

Причем не обязательно использовать академическую версию

Спасибо за прозрение!

"Не мытьем,так катаньем"

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  • 4 месяца спустя...
  • 1 месяц спустя...

OBNOVILSYA V-Ray for SketchUp . V-Ray for SketchUp 6.0 SR1 RC1 mojno skachat



12 Feb 2008


- Resolved issue where the intensity for physical light units was not being used correctly

11 Feb 2008


- Licensing dialogs made to stay on top of windows ( some cases where it went behind other windows )

- Trying to render with floating license and being unable to get a render license will no longer crash the program

- Modified where licenses are placed to support Vista compatibility

6 Feb 2008

The most noticeable change for our service release is we have stopped utilizing the Installshield Activation Service for our license protection. The team at Chaos Group has been nice enough to let us utilize their license system so we decided to make the switch. When you launch SketchUp you will be asked whether you have a license, a floating license server, or if you wish to demo the product. The following is a brief walk-through of those three scenarios.

To demo our product ( 30 days )

1. Ensure that your machine is connected to the Internet

2. Start SketchUp

3. When our License Dialog pops up choose “I would like to demo your product”

4. You should now have a temporary license – if you encounter any problems please contact authorizations@asgvi


To use an existing license

1. Ensure that your machine is connected to the Internet

2. Start Rhinoceros

3. When our License Dialog pops up choose “I have a license and would like to use that”

4. When you are prompted for your purchase number, insert your existing serial number

5. You should now be licensed and ready to go - if you encounter a problem then contact authorizations@asgvi


To setup the floating license server please take the following steps:

On the machine you wish to use as the License Server

1. Install the Floating License Manager to the machine you wish to use as your license server. You can use our installer to do this – just do a custom install and choose only the Floating License Manager.

2. Once installed go to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ASGvis\Licensing ( If you use Vista it will be c:\ProgramData\ASGvis\Licensing ) and double click on the file Floating License Manager.exe. This will run the license manager.

3. In the Manage Licenses section choose "Add existing license".

4. Select the product you have purchased and wish to authorize.

5. When prompted for the Purchase Number you should enter your serial number. You can locate your serial number on the original invoice or purchase order that you received from billing@asgvis.com.

6. Go to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ASGvis\Licensing (if you use Vista it will be c:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Licensing ) and run VRLServer2.exe

On the client machine(s)

1. Start SketchUp

2. When the License Dialog pops up choose "I have a floating license server and would like to use that."

3. The V-Ray License Server Information dialog box should pop up

4. Enter the IP or hostname of the machine that is acting as your server ( the machine that is running VRLServer2 )

5. Restart SketchUp( You MUST restart SketchUp for your changes to take effect )

V-Ray Changes

- Updated to V-Ray 1.60.15

- V-Ray has changed its path sampling from Quasi Monte Carlo to Deterministic Monte-Carlo

- For the most part this should not cause any major differences. The parameters are still the same but the outcome is now deterministic, meaning it will always come to the same result when given the same input

- The only choice for path sampler is Schlick now - Latin Hypercube is no longer supported


- Fixed serialization issue where materials or options could be read incorrectly or disappear

- Able to Control the Floating License Manager Dialog while vrlserver is running.

- Switched back to previous DR licensing until the V-Ray licensing system works properly when DR is initiated by a machine that is not utilizing a floating license server.

- Fixed bug where angular blend materials weren't having their child material names updated properly

- Fixed bug where object exclusion UI would carry over between multiple materials in our editor

- Materials that contain other materials ( AngleBlend, 2Sided, Skp2Sided ) will now save out their sub-materials when put in a vismat

- Fixed a bug where loading a visopt could cause the defaults to not be read in properly

- Made it so importing a vismat will add the vismat directory to the resource search path

- Added build version to About page for easier identification of product by users

- Added alpha contribution multiplier in our material options panel

- Angular blend material can now be created. It uses the angle between the view direction and the surface normal to determine the amount to blend between two materials

- Object Exclusion UI is in place (Options material panel ) - though it is not fully functioning yet. If you wish to ignore all other objects you can simply change the mode to "Include"

- Added new properties to lights - shadow color, units

- Introduced barn door effect for the spot light

- Sun/Sky not matching DR spawner has been resolved

- Modified serialization process to allow larger scenes without running out of contiguous ram

- DR crash bug where default conditions were not being restored for each new render

- Removed a bug where several temporary files were being created during renders

- Volume fog was not being applied properly when bump or displacement was utilized

- Override environment was not working properly with refractive materials due to Volume fog issue

- We now only access user-specific portions of the hard-drive and registry

- Fixed crash where bump map is enabled but no map is set ( also for displacement, etc )

- Unicode characters can be used in VFB output filenames

- Renaming a material but only changing case will now work ( i.e rename DefaultMaterial to be defaultmaterial )

- Deleted layers no longer show up in apply material to layer dialog


- We now make V-Ray materials for each Sketchup material - likewise creating a v-Ray material creates a SketchUp material

- Right-click menu is not used for applying materials anymore. Just use the regular Sketchup method (PaintBucket)

- We are now using Chaos group V-Ray Licensing System

- Spaces are allowed in material names now

- Authorization tab has been added to handle users with floating license server

- Added some common frame stamp variables

- Added DMC Threshold UI

- Added Show Samples UI for Adaptive Sampler

- Pack material functionality is in our Material Editor now

- We now install our render spawner and other stuff to Common Application data folder which is...

c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ASGvis on XP (note that Application Data is a hidden folder )

c:\ProgramData\ASGvis on Vista ( note that ProgramData is a hidden folder )

- You can now remove Color and Alpha VFB channels if you wish - they are no longer required

- Changed our default options ( phys cam stuff and default vfb channels )

- Added the ability to query the active viewport for its aspect ratio (Output Tab)

- Layers remember open/closed state in our material editor

- We no longer show the toolbar when V-Ray is set as the current renderer

- This will add the given path to the list of directories that get searched when looking for a resource (bitmaps).

- Made it so importing a vismat will add the vismat directory to the resource search path

Coming Soon

- Object exclusion UI to allow users to pick specific objects to ignore. It is not working correctly at the moment.

- Sphere Light addition - UI is ready but we need to clean it up - visSphereLight does exist

- IES Light - the visIESLight command exists, but it has not been fully implemented

- Physical units to lights

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Spasibo Ilya, uspokoil. Ato jalko bilo chto(poka) usat nelzya! A chto za gluki?

У меня глюк возник один, но сильно непритяный.

После установки нового билда вирея в самом скетче перестал работать механизм копирования компонентов с указанным количеством копий.

То есть сдвинуть на нужный шаг и ввести "5x" не работает. Копия будет только одна=(

Как только обнаружил снес и откатился на прошлую версию. все нормально заработало.

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