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Материалы для CINEMA 4D -VRAYY


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ВОТ небольшой урок по материаловедению для Вирея правда для Макса. Но я думаю кое чем воспользоваться моно

Спасибо!!!! за ссылку!!!! Основа понятна бум пробовать на деле!!! :IloveAr-cat:

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А здесь для знающих басурманский. Можа кто переведет :mosking:

И вот по стеклу

О :on_the_quiet: случайно наткнулся на ixbt Шо це таки Вирэй и як им робить

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1. Continue with the end result of the studio lighting tutorial

Delete or hide the 3 spheres, we don't need them anymore.

Set the render properties like this:

- output size to 400*480px

- global switches: turn off default lights

- image sampler to adaptive QMC

- antialising filter "mitchell-netravali"

- indirect illumination ON

- Secondary bounces: QMC GI and multiplier to 0.8

- refractive GI caustics ON

- Irradiance map settings:

- custom min/max=-4/-3

- hsph subdivs = 20 = interp samples

- clr=nrm=0.4

- dist=0.1

- environment:

- skylight pure white color, 0.1 multiplier

- reflection/refraction pure black, 1.0 multiplier

- QMC sampler: noise threshold = 0.005

- system:

- render region division 50*50 px

- frame stamp: delete all except rendertime part.

The Vray lights should have the 'store with IR map' option turned ON to start with. The left light has a value of 3, the right one is set to 5. Position them like in my screenshot.

Also adjust the camera postion like I did, set the lens length to 85mm.

Your scene should have both system and display units set to metric mm.page2_0012.gifspacer.gif2. Import my glass model

Glass is a material that everyone tries to render while learning or testing a new renderer. Vray is capable of rendering very realistic glass in a very short amount of time.

I already explained a lot about creating glass in the basic materials tutorial. A lot of it will be repeated here, but this time we will render a real object instead of some weird blob like thing.

Download my glass model here (it's zipped!). Use the import function to bring it into the scene (turn off 'convert units' in the import options). The glass should be sized like in my screenshot. If not, simply resize it :-) (probably your units are set wrong or convert units was still on if the glass imports too big/small)page2_0008.gifspacer.gif3. Move it up a little bit

Any renderer will always have problems with overlapping faces. Especially with transparent materials this can cause visible problems. The glass bottom faces lie exactly on the faces of the groundplane, they are in the exact same location. Altough it will not be very visible here, it's a good rule to remember, avoid coincident faces! Moving the glass up by 0.2 mm is already more than enough.

page2_0007.gifspacer.gif4. Create the basic glass material

Create a new Vray material. We will first make clear high reflective glass. To do that, first set the diffuse color to pure black. Then set refraction color to pure white. Pure white means 100% refractive, resulting in the diffuse component having no effect at all anymore.

Make reflection color almost pure white and check fresnel reflections.

This is the base of our glass material. It is 100% clear, very reflective glass.

Assign to the glass object and render. It should look like my example. page2_0003.gifpage2_0009.jpgspacer.gif5. Reflect on backside

Notice the dark border on the inside glass surface? To get rid of this, we will turn on the 'reflect on backside' option in the options rollout of the glass material.

Render again to see the difference.

This option creates internal reflections, an effect that happens in real life too.page2_0006.gifpage2_0010.jpgspacer.gif6. Reflection/refraction depth

These options control the number of times a ray can reflect/refract before it is removed from further calculations. Lower numbers will cause faster rendertimes, but go too low and parts or the whole object will turn black.

Increase them both to 10 and render again. The difference is huge on the foot of the glass and in the middle part (because in these parts, internal reflections will happen a lot, exceeding the max depth quickly).

Values of 10 are ok, don't go too high because rendertimes will increase a lot!page2_0011.jpgspacer.gif7. Adjust the studio setup

Our studio setup is a bit 'too much' for this scene. We will adjust it by turning off the left light. To compensate for the light decrease, turn the environment skylight multiplier to 0.4.

Render the scene, it should look more or less like my example:page2_0013.jpgspacer.gif8. Filling a glass with water

To fill a glass with water, you should model the water. This isn't as easy as it sounds.

First of all, the surface of the water will bend up where it touches the glass because of adhesion forces. We call this curved top surface the meniscus. This effect has to be modeled or your water will not look very realistic.

Then there's the problem of coincident faces. If you model the liquid exactly as large as the inner surface of the glass, the rendering will look weird because of these coincident faces(right glass). The best way is to model the water a bit larger than the inner glass surface (middle glass). If you model it slightly smaller, it's not realistic either (left glass).

Click on the image to see examples of all three. I modeled the glass in rhino, it's a revolved curve. I show you these curves also to see how the glass vs water is modeled. page2_0018.jpgspacer.gif9. Import the water

Download the water model here and import it in max (turn off 'convert units'). The water should be positioned perfectly into the glass.

Create a new Vraymaterial, name it water and give it a pure white diffuse color.

Render the scene.page2_0019.jpgspacer.gif10. Water material

Go to your water material and change the settings according to the image on the right. In fact, these are the same settings as the clear glass, only the IOR is different.

Also go to the options rollout and turn on reflect on backside like we did for the glass material. page2_0021.gifspacer.gif11. Render again

Now we have a nice wineglass filled with water :-)

As you can see, it's pretty easy to get a decent result for glass/water in Vray. Already our first render looked pretty good. But to fine tune it, you need to know some tricks. Questions regarding glass pop up a lot in the Vray forum, so I hope this tutorial will clear things up a bit :-)page2_0023.jpgspacer.gifPage 1 - Page 2

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желтый металл

(хотелось получить нитрид титана)


вот собственно материал, мож кто подправит


СУПЕР презент от Стефана:

библиотека Vray материалов

адрес сайта


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вот халявные процедурные мвтериалы..способ установки в текстовом файле

p - тут можно просто посмотреть чо продают :)

там же в архиве по верхней ссылке лежит сценка ... вот такая, а также другие сценки, отключеные по умолчанию.


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Закинул маты в браузер, а где их теперь искать ?

в браузере...же и ищи там что то типа "c4d tools" ..запустишь там объект...в манагере материалов они и лежат

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в браузере...же и ищи там что то типа "c4d tools" ..запустишь там объект...в манагере материалов они и лежат

Спасибо всем за ссылки!!!! А маты хорошенькие!!!!

Класс!!! :tender:

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Dimitrius, спасибо за ссылку. Маты просто супер. Vray рулит!

вот часть отрендерил, словом качать ВСЕМ!

post-212-1191333258_thumb.jpg post-212-1191333313_thumb.jpg post-212-1191333334_thumb.jpg

Еще бы сцену с правильными настройками и светом для рендера экстерьерных сцен. А то никак не пойму как солнце сделать? В ФиналРендере есть настройка специальная + компасс создаеш и крутиш куда надо. А здесь?...

Может у кого есть правильная сцена, с солнцем и настройками для рендера?


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Hi, i want to know if there is a way to indicate the north direction when you are using vray's physical sun (like a compass), i know that i can set latitude and longitud via sun tag of c4d, but i cant set the orientation. Thanks for any help.

yes we built that in,

just put the sun in a nullobject and rotate it:-)

so when you rotate the null 90degree also the sky rotates 90 degree.

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Hi, i want to know if there is a way to indicate the north direction when you are using vray's physical sun (like a compass), i know that i can set latitude and longitud via sun tag of c4d, but i cant set the orientation. Thanks for any help.

yes we built that in,

just put the sun in a nullobject and rotate it:-)

so when you rotate the null 90degree also the sky rotates 90 degree.

если правильно понял:

берем Синькино "солнце", вешаем на него виреевский таг light, в нем регулируем все настройки... и потом все это хозяйство помещаем в nullobject, который можно вертеть устанавливая направление на север? А какая из осей соответствует направлению север-юг?

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  • 2 недели спустя...
  • 2 недели спустя...

ВОПРОС такой....когда настраиваеш материал используешь текстуры,но настройка самих текстур не очень широкая...А в готовых матах которые я скачал настройка более широкая...

как включить эти настройки??????????????



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ALF впредь напрегись плиз и обработай картинки а то показываешь

окно материала и высылаешь весь экран.

причем таких размеров .... :adm:

art тоже самое

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  • 1 месяц спустя...

Извиняюсь за дурацкий вопрос, а маты для вирея под макс можно применить? У них расширение.mat. Или нужно искать специальные для VRay for Cinema?

И второй вопрос. В броузере материалы записаны в виде библиотек с соответствующим расширением. А материалы скачанные открываются как пустой файл Синема. Единственно, что мне удалось-сохранить материалы в Preset или в виде того-же Синема-файла.

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